Friday, 21 August 2015

Airtel 4G

Airtel being the leading network providers has now introduced “Airtel 4G” for its esteemed customers. As we all know Airtel provides the fastest networks, its 4G would also give us the best services ever. The Airtel 4G is introduced for the fourth generation. It is an enhancement to the 3G network which has amazing features such as the following.

Fastest Broadband: The Airtel 4G provides the fastest broadband internet. Its time to bid goodbye to the slower version of internet which keeps us waiting buffering or getting any kind of data. Any customer when using an internet expects the fastest network which can consume less time and get more data and download maximum data or videos at very less time. This will help the customers save lots of time and enjoy the speed.

Improved data transfer speed: airtel 4G provides the fastest data transfer speed. Its an end to Keeping our computers or phones on downloads for the whole night. The 4G network provides the fastest downloads ever. So, no more thinking and waiting to download. The speed which Airtel 4G  provides is amazing. Lets get started and enjoy 4G at 3G price.

Improved services: The Airtel 4G provides the most improved services than any other network providers. Airtel has always been providing the best services without any disruptions. Now it has brought much improved services with the 4G network to satisfy its customers.

Maximum speed: Airtel network is equipped to provide maximum speed of 45mbps.This helps the users to have zero buffering time while watching High Definition videos. Its its time to say good bye to those long buffering time to watch videos. In just fraction of seconds, we can enjoy watching any video we wish to.

4G at 3G price: Its wonderful that Airtel is providing the above features at the cost of 3G to its valued customers. Its an offer which must be grabbed immediately as its fun to have 4G.Need not worry about the cost as the beginning price of the 4G network starts at a very low amount.

So, what are we waiting for? Go to the nearest store and get your Airtel 4g network sim immediately. Its a very simple process. Airtel is also providing many offers to its new subscribers like unlimited music, download of wynk music app and five free movies for six months on eros now app. All we need to do is download all these apps on our handset and enjoy all the special features and offers Airtel is providing for its valued customers. I personally have been using the Airtel network from the past ten years and very happy to share the above features about Airtel. Have been literally waiting for the Airtel 4G network. So, lets go and get know the procedure to upgrade our Airtel 3G to 4G and enjoy the fastest network in the country. To make things simple for us, Airtel has launched a website where we can check if our number is eligible for the 4G upgrade. If yes, we can immediately request for a free 4G sim right away. So, lets go 4G.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Wonders of Honey

Dabur Honey, the very old product which is being served by Dabur From many years. As we all know Honey is one of the precious foods that God has blessed us with .In the Holy Quran, it clearly states that Honey has such a high medicinal value that it can cure 99 diseases. A Honey Diet must be tried. It has immense good properties that it cannot be substituted with any other  foods. It is a very old custom that the newly born kids given just a small quantity of honey as it is really good for them. Honey has many uses when taken internally and also when applied externally. Taking a spoon of Honey everyday works wonders. As its known to everyone that taking honey in the morning with warm water reduces weight and cleanses our body internally. This, keeping us healthy. Right from curing the colds and coughs to avoiding many diseases, honey does wonders.
Summer! The summer this year is extremely hot. So, when its hot we tend to eat more of ice creams and drink lots of sugar filled colas. Though, it reduces the thirst and keeps us cool only for that moment, it has many bad effects associated with it. The colas are real threat to our health. Instead having a glass of water would benefit us rather than those sugary colas. Lets now analyze the benefits of a balanced healthy diet and the nutritional compromises of a crash diet.

Balanced Diet
·   A balanced diet as we all know must consist equal portions of fresh fruits and vegetables, lentils, milk, meat, etc.
·   Eating more fresh fruits and having fresh juices is really good for health. It gives immense energy to our body and at the same time makes our skin glowing. Instead of adding Sugar to our juices, we can substitute it with a spoon of honey. This makes our juice tasty and very healthy. When we have a balanced diet our stress levels also come down.
·  Having fruits instead of fried snacks and cool drinks also reduces weight. The less the weight, the more healthy we are. It also prevents us from increasing our bad cholesterols.
·  Having grains and fruits avoids us from many types of diseases.
·  Eating more unhealthy food can reduce the life span of a person.So,eat healthy and stay healthy.
The nutritional compromises of a crash diet. These days being very busy with our life, we tend to have very light foods in order to quickly loose weight. Such foods  lack nutrients ,vitamins and minerals. But, Have we realized the worst effects of such foods. Lets have a look at them.
·  A crash diet prevents the body from getting the required nutrients which are necessary for the body to function properly.
·  Due to a crash diet, the body lacks energy and we tend to become weak and less immune and finally prone to diseases.
·  Crash diets  usually reduce water levels in our body which causes Dehydration.
·  Many times the worst effects of a crash diet leads to even people having heart attacks.

So, we understand the benefits of a healthy balanced diet and the worst a crash diet could do to us.So, lets eat healthy and avoid the fried items and those sugary colas which would only harm us.Lets make our life sweeter and our diet sweeter by substituting sugars with Dabur Honey and stay healthy.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

All in one App for cricket lovers

Cricket! Cricket! Cricket! The fever  for it is always high. Let that be one day’s or IPL. The most loved sport with such an intensity that we tend to miss many of our daily routines in order to see the match. So is there a magic which would enable us to watch our favorite game at the same time finish our daily jobs at the appropriate time? Yes, now comes UC Cricket which is an integration to the UC BROWSER .The Uc cricket was updated to the UC browser during the world cup 2015 enabling the fans to view all matches with the scores at any pace either at work or another.
   Cricket actually started in England. Though being the national game of England, its more loved and have a huge fans in India. We Indians are crazy for this wonderful game. UCbrowser brings us an easy and time saving way to fulfill the desire to watch the game without missing any other activities. Now there’s no need to Google and search for the scores and latest cricket updates. Its just a matter of downloading the app. Then you go. Just open the Uc browser and click on UCcricket icon. And you would get a display of the latest news ,latest scores ,photos,interviews, stats and all videos related to the match. Right from the latest updates,
to the present score and the upcoming matches, the Uc Cricket displays all information in fraction of seconds.

The browser works excellently ESPECIALLY FOR Android phones.Now you don’t need to spend and wait for the browsers to buffer and get you the match videos. Using the UC browser, its quick and easy to watch cricket. The browser has a largest user base for android phones. The browser has a specific feature that loads the web content faster thus suppressing our inquisitiveness
of what’s missing on every ball. The browser also helps to view data offline.
The good feature is that the browser has a very fast loading process ,thus helping us a quick view of our cricket matches, the news, etc…without waiting.The Uc cricket also provides chat options and comment section on each match which helps cricket fans from all over the world to interact with each other and write their opinions on each match. We fans have not got such an opportunity to interact with other cricket lovers while watching the match. its nice to share the enthusiasm and what  each one feels at
every point in the match. There is a very good feature that keeps running in the background and updates the latest 
scores. The UC cricket also allows the cricket lovers  to even play guessing games while watching the latest cricket updates. There’s a feature called the “cricket guessing game” which allows the cricket fans to choose a winner for each match and win exciting gifts. Isn’t it  amazing that just a click of an icon would make cricket lovers happy. The new feature also sends push up notifications and reminders about any cricket update.

So, download the app and enjoy every thing related to

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Cherishing Childhood With Kellogs Chocos


Kellogg's being one of the best companies  which has brought the best products from many years has brought the philosophy  of Khuljaye bachpan” which is something really initiating for the parents these days.As chocos being the most liked chocolaty breakfast my child prefers,its new theme is also equally interesting.With its shapes like the Moons and Stars,Planets and Stars,the theme encourages kids to be kids.Childhood being the most happening, learning and unforgettable days which would not be repeated in any phase of life again can now be bought back at least a little by changing our view towards life. Kellogg’s brings us a chance to bring back those lovely days. Kids in the recent generation are almost equally knowledgeable like adults and in some cases more. So, instead being authoritative I try my best to give importance to my daughter’s ideas, understand them and encourage her to develop more creative thoughts. Its best to be more like a friend to the child rather than being dominating. This would help the child share every thought and knowledge she possesses and encourages her to explore many new things. Thus, I make sure I am always supportive towards her and give her a chance to implement her new ideas.


Being part of the kids world is one of the most interesting thing if one really tries from the bottom of their heart. Its a whole different world with superb ideas and creativity which cannot be compared with adult ideas. Viewing things in a different way and trying to get excellent solutions to any question in their own way is simply appreciating. I really wonder when my little princess who is five years old shares with me many things how she would love to do some kind of work in a different way. i feel really surprised by the way they look at things and the way they choose to  come to solutions. Just for example, I was trying to help her on a project given in school and was trying to get new thoughts to make something interesting. In the meanwhile, she told me things which were really easy and very attractive. I without any doubt patted her and praised her for that and implemented what she said. This made her really very happy and gave her space to share any idea her mind pops up with me. I always make sure to encourage her and make sure to correct anything wrong with her in a positive way. This helped me in creating a bond with her and make her feel secured and confident at the same time.

I really support Kellogg’s Chocos for bringing the concept of “Khuljaye Bachpan” which is about being unrestricted and fearless. I personally experienced that whenever I restricted my child from doing any kind of act which is harmful,she was more inquisitive to know what it could be. So, slowly I began to change my style and instead of restricting her for anything, I was trying to show her what it could lead to. Supporting her and being with her for example, in the swimming where the depth was too much for her, but she wanted to try going into it. So, I had to fulfill her desire and at the same time make her know the affects associated with it. Because the more I restrict her, the more she would want to do it.then,I myself slowly took her into the area of the pool where it was much deep. She enjoyed being there and was happy ,so she was satisfied. Then, I slowly left my hand and she was scared that she was drowning. There, she understood why I was stopping her from going into the depth alone.

 Now a days we have become so busy and driving our kids towards being Doctors and Engineers that we have forgotten the bliss of childhood. Parents are stressing kids so much from very tender age that children are getting away from being what they should be at their respective age. This way we are stealing the very important and fun filled days and replacing them with stress and extreme studies. It is very important to give space to the child to think and act only how much their age prefers and not more than that. I always try to make sure I do not stop her desire of doing anything interesting she feels. From very little like kneading the flour, rolling the chapattis to helping me in writing the grocery list and picking up groceries from the grocery store, I motivate her. Being dominative and authoritative would only make my child being not bonded towards me.From her childhood, I made sure I keep repeating things which are very bad and would end up in great disasters.So,she does not even thinks of getting any such things in mind.So,lets make our child’s bachpan as it should be and let her enjoy every moment of it.As the kids grow, their levels of maturity increases with their age and they would understand and pick up things faster and gradually would set goals.So,we as parents need to give them space to enjoy their precious childhood,mke them feel secured,confident and fearless and thus making them perfect individuals.

Friday, 12 June 2015

Come closer to radiant skin

RADIANT skin is something every girl dreams of.we try all possible ways to keep our skin away from pimples,blackheads and oily skin.I have tried amazing natural home remedies for my skin which mainly included turmeric,the magic medicine for a perfect skin.the cosmetics these days are very dangerous as they in the long run would spoil our skin and damages us in many ways.The wonders which turmeric with certain combination does cannot be substituted with any cosmetic.
 Victoria Turmeric has always been my family face cream from years.Implementing the home remedies everyday is practically a little difficult.So,I choose Vicco Turmeric,the wonder cream.
Having used the cream from years,I trust the product very much.And now really excited for the new Vicco Turmeric ayurvedic foam based cream which is completely natural.It promises to relieve us from pimples,black heads and oily skin.It's time to say good bye to all these skin problems and make our skin radiant.Using the new Vicco turmeric cream would force people to ask you the secret behind your shiny clean and clear skin.
Turmeric as we know is a wonder spice god has blessed us with.Right from taking it internally to applying externally,works magically on the skin.Turmeric mixes with yoghurt,turmeric mixed with milk and milk cream,turmeric mixed with honey are like superb combinations for the in these busy days working on all these is a little hard work.So,vicco Turmeric has brought the new ayurvedic foam based cream which has real natural turmeric helping us to keep our skin radiant easily.THANKS TO VICCO TURMERIC for being so caring towards us and bringing natural products thus helping us to avoid those cosmetics.
Here are some ayurvedic tips  I would like to share for skin care:
 1) Eat light food: Both ayurvedic and traditional system advices to eat light food which does not include fats and oils.Almond is a very good source to keep skin shiny and healthy.The oil which almonds possess is extremely good for our body.It plays a vital role in keeping skin healthy and radiant.
2) Keep skin hydrated: Keeping the skin cells hydrated all through the day is very Important.Drinking as much water keeps skin really glowing.As we all know water flushes out all the wastes from our body,thus keeping our body and skin healthy.We can also regularly massage our body at least our face with a good oil so that naturally our skin lasts to look young.This also helps us avoid wrinkles for a long time.
3) Exercise regularly: Exercising is necessary in preventing bad dead cells bring accumulated. exercising keeps your muscles and joints healthy and toned, while helping you sweat out toxins. Exercise will also improve blood circulation, digestion, and give you a healthy blush!
4) Meditation: If stress has a major role in spoiling your skin, try meditation. Spending even a few minutes in meditation can restore your calm and inner peace.
Anyone can practice meditation. It's simple and inexpensive and helps us in many ways.If one really learns the right way to meditate,then he has found the key to peace and a stressless life.Meditation requires mainly concentration.Try this
,you will definetly feel amazing.
And with all the above,the new Vicco turmeric ayurvedic foam based cream would work magic on our skin.

Friday, 15 May 2015

My Airtel App

Airtel, the leading Network provider in all kinds like Broadband, Digital TV,Mobile.Having been using Airtel Mobile Network from a decade, I feel privileged to share about the new “My Airtel App” with everyone.Being one of the leading service provider, Airtel has gone much wider to make things much easy for its users. The most interesting features “MyAirtel App” provides would list as below.
The Shake feature, which displays Exclusive offers from Airtel just on the shake of your phone. Thats really cool. The phone shows the offers along with the free data and the cash back. Instead of spending lots of time surfing Internet to find the special offers, to Recharge or another time consuming activities,Airtel helps us to know them just in fraction of seconds. So, that seems to be interesting and time saving as well which is very important in these busy schedules we go through.
The other feature I am impressed is with Cash Back facility. The first time we recharge on “My airtel App”, Airtel provides us with a particular amount as cash back which is complimentary. It also has another interesting feature that is “Airtel Surprises “which gives us an opportunity to select a free coupon which is provided by them on every recharge.The value of the coupon depends on the value of our recharge. We can redeem the coupons in various fiels such as food,cinemas,online shopping,etc..
The wonderful thing I like is the display of the data Usage, the list of recharge history, the remaining data in our account and also indicates  when the balance is low. The tracking system is also amazing which helps us to tack our talktime usage and the data usage from our plan.
The online payment option is a very convenient feature Airtel provides. which helps us avoid long surfing in the internet. This is a very safe and secure payment methodology. It provides a very friendly platform ,thus avoiding confusing situations. It also tracks all our bills, the bill payments and the current bill to be paid as well. As we have too many busy schedules in this competitive world, we would appreciate something which would save our time. With such busy lives, we often forget the due dates for the payment of our Telephone Bills. So, “My Airtel App” reminds our Bill payments due date very often.
Just on the Shake of our Phone we can view the exclusive offers ,the full talktime ,the cash back. It also has  a very user friendly interface to order whatever games we wish to with an excellent quality at affordable prices.We could also download the music we love select and buy the packages we love to.

The last but not the least feature which had helped me a lot when I forgot to recharge my account is the “Instant Loan” option. Once ,i was help up somewhere and was upto to meeting someone and got lost in the p;lace.Then I had to make a call in that tensed situation where unfortunately, I had no balance in my account.Then Thankfully I remembered the loan feature which Airtel provides. And I implemented it immediately.I was really thankful and felt very happy as I came out of the lost place. So, lets download the new “My Airtel App” immediately and enjoy the best services provided by the best Network provider.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015


Mother,the most special gift God has given every child. She is a lady who cannot be substituted by anyone in the world. The only person who loves us, cares for us, protects us, teaches us unconditionally without any expectation. My Mother was and is an inspiration to me right from caring, loving, talking, working and even dressing up. She stands for truth and love.She Experts in every role she plays,from being a daughter, a wife and a wonderful mother.
माँ बाप से कर दोस्ती माँ बाप फिर मिलते  कहा दौलत मिले  ,इज़्ज़त मिले, राहत मिले , दोस्त मिले , शोहरत मिले,  माँ बाप फिर मिलते कहा। 

  I am proud to write about my mother, the most capable, the lady with exceptional will power,  who has struggled hard in life only to keep us away from difficulties and bring in happiness into our lives especially things which were impossible. Right from bearing the worst pain in giving us birth to the hurdles she faces in bringing us up, she has perfected her role. She is the one who doesn't need an invitation to support us  when we are in trouble.She has encouraged me where i got scared to compete. She has immense love towards us that she can fight with anyone for us and can forgive us for the biggest mistake we do. My lovely mother who never waited for us to express our wishes, but understood them before and fulfilled them. Holding my hands from my first  footsteps till now when I am married ,she holds my hands whenever I need her. I salute the amazing lady in my life who sacrificed all her wishes and enjoyment whole her young age just to buy happiness for me and my siblings.

   Every situation where I felt disappointed, Discouraged ,where I had had many rivals standing against me to hurt me, to pull me down, she was the one who played an excellent role in helping me to face them, fight for the truth, gave me the warmth I needed and taught me tackling any kind of situation, whether small or big .She has been an inspiring Teacher in my life .She taught me to believe in myself and become fearless. She is a lady with innumerable qualities.

It is well said that if anyone in the world can be worshiped after God is “Mother” .Everything she does is keeping the children’s happiness in mind. A lady who has excelled in all fields from Home to her Workplace. I have really felt the line which says “mother works on all days without a holiday”. My mother has the ability to do all tasks. I have seen her being the busiest lady always involved serving either being a daughter, a wife, or  a mother .I am really sorry to her for situations where I showed my anger and hurt her. Its a big sin even to raise voice towards her even if she is at wrong. She deserves only love and affection. I am very thankful to god who has blessed me with such a wonderful mother and for giving her a long life. I am very fortunate to have her. She is the only one whom god has blessed with a wish that whatever she prays for her children would be fulfilled.

Mumma, thank for being with me in every phase of my life. Thank you for being my Teacher, My Guard, My protector and for being so lovely. The lesson I learnt is to value her, love her and treasure her as she  is  the most wonderful gift God has blessed us with.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Get Ready For Ek Nayi League

Kapil Dev bringing up” Ek Nayi League “could be a show where Mr. Kapil Dev would invite Celebrities and famous personalities who achieved success in their respective fields onto one platform and encourage them to play with minds rather than hearts.

 This could be a challenging show where maximum usage of our brains could be made.Kapil Dev, one of the Heroes of Indian Cricket and a person who played a major role in bringing the 1983 world cup to India would definitely introduce something which could be superb with unimaginable entertainment. As he was one of the Fastest Bowlers at that time, similarly he would bring about something which would make our brains run faster in finding the answers and explaining the logic for the questions he would pose. The League he is bringing to us could be very challenging as the videos clearly says that it’s perfectly not playing with heart. I feel it would bring something like “The Bournvita Quiz Contest” or kaun Banega Crorepati which tests the capacity of the knowledge we possess. Here, using our hearts would lead us to failure but making the best use of our brains would lead us to success. The entertainment part of which would have big personalities having different results for which they had already expected another answer. All this would surely be on a positive note. Such wonderful shows drive us to seek more knowledge and at the same time estimate our stand.

 This is a suspense who Mr. kapil Dev would bring in as the participants of the show. As Kapil Dev challenges Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Yuvraj Singh, Sania Nehwal and Kapil who have excelled in their own fields playing with their hearts and body would have  a Hit Wicket If they play with their hearts even in the coming League which Kapil Dev is bringing to us. I expect Kapil Dev to be the host of the show and I feel the environment the show or the background of the stage would have something related to cricket.Kapil Dev also Highlights Yuvraj Singh who has been rated at Rs 16 crores in the Ipl.He appreciates Yuvraj Singh who as we all know has returned from an unexpected thing and has been an excellent example of will power. The norms the show might consist will be very challenging and interesting at the same time to play.Kapil Dev who has recently joined twitter has given few videos for the fans to Guess what the “Ek Nayi League “would bring.He has also appreciated the Girls winning many games and being among the top twenties ,but again he says that playing with the hearts would lead to a Hit Wicket in his League.Lets keep our fingers crossed and wait for the awaited Ek Nayi League of Kapil Dev. 

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Swachh Bharat

Swachh Bharat. Its.Its not easy to completely implement Cleanliness.Due to lack of Education in India,people especially living in low areas are neither aware of the importance of cleanliness nor about the harmful effects which are caused due to uncleanliness.

Its very important to bring about the change in India.The pace with which our Country is developing,we need to bring this important factor into our lives which is cleanliness.Though its not an easy task but things can be put in place by educating people.In India , if such a big change is required, then FINE should be imposed on every act of uncleanliness.I feel the best way to see India clean in every corner is by strictly imposing fine or any other punishment. With the fear of such rules, one will avoid any act which would be against swachhtha.

  So, lets begin from us.Every individual needs to take it as an individual responsibility to bring about change.I started by changing a very dirty area just beside my house which was filled with drainage into a Beautiful Garden.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Being Positive and Starting a new life.

 Being positive in every approach of life leads to achievement.Things have a way out working out for the best. If by any chance we end up not achieving at least we are out of the mindset that we are miserable. The way we see anything before we begin matters, so mindset towards the task is important. The most important things we learn in our life is by sharing.we come across many people and many situations like my mother have learnt a lot from her facing problems and solving them and coming out happily. She has inspired me to tackle unexpected things in life. Life is full of unexpected things and many a times people give up in such unexpected situations. People usually have a tendency to give up on things when they are alone. So, a family plays a very important role in such situations. A family supports and encourages one another in their good and bad moments. The family members share their problems and difficulties with each other and try solving them together.
     These days being together is becoming a passing phenomenon.people don't stay in joint families.they are forgetting the fact that the support and security is missing. The much away we are from our whole family the more we are missing. It was the best of way of living in olden days but now we hardly find anyone being together.people want to be independent now. Being independent is really good but what a family can do for us,others cant.
         Being together helps in having a stress free and a secure life. Lets talk about individuals where both couples want to grow in their career and have kids, have economic problems.when we have a family together we can be free from all the problems and troubles.
        Wherever, whatever be the situation or the surroundings, being optimistic and being together helps bring out the best solution. For eg: once being for  the boss of the company had to attend a very important meeting and I had worked very hard the whole night for the next morning. But the next morning when I reached office,came to know that my client will not be able to reach office as his flight was cancelled due to cloudy weather. I was badly upset with this. After a while thinking standing by the window, I felt I should enjoy the breeze, the light drizzling which god has showered which money cant buy. I immediately me along with my family went on a long drive and believe me all the stress the disappointment was washed away along with the rain. God has blessed us with wonderful nature so lets enjoy it feeling the nature leaves all the stress apart from our life.


Do Not Give Up

I would like to share my personal experience with all about the change my life had after too much of depression. It was the beginning of my career where I had to face many hurdles inspite of performing well. My boss had been repeatedly creating issues. Though, I tried efficiently to give my best in every work assigned, I was not in good terms.Finally,I gave up one day and decided to resign from work. Though I was very disappointed as one can understand how special our First job is and how depressing it is to resign from it. I shared the same with one of my colleague who was senior to me. He was like a savior to me.He taught to me the Positive Aspects.

My colleague was really surprised to know what I have been going through few months. He advised me not to give up. And refreshed to me all the positive aspects of my job. He suggested  me to be as loving as possible with my boss forgetting what she was doing with me. He told me the fact that nothing can be changed by running away from the situation because such issues are prevalent in almost every workplace. So, I need to learn how to tackle people and situations rather than running away.

Here, I made up my mind and decided to see things in an optimistic way and give myself another chance. Now I was being extremely loving and caring with my boss who was still continuing to pressure me. I did not give up. For every issue she created I tackled it in a very positive way. Slowly, things changed and she started liking me. Gradually every negative thought she had for me converted into positive. Finally everything was in place and a day came when my boss realized how efficient I was and made me a part of every important work and ensured I was a part of all activities.

This is how my life changed then. Very thankful to my colleague who helped me to look things in a positive way and saved my job. From then, at every phase of my life when I had tough situations to be faced, I did not give up. But started looking things in a positive way and ensured I gave the best shot and bring success in every task assigned to me. This was a lesson which I implemented whenever, wherever I had problems. And I also learnt that sharing problems with your dearest can help you relieving from stress and makes you capable of thinking before you quickly jump into a decision.
So, think positive, be positive, do your best, be bold, stand by truth and nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Save Trees

Image result for save trees

Trees.Green,Beautiful a natural oxygen supplier.But are we doing right with the Trees God has given us for a purpose.Cutting them and reducing the number of trees not only reduces the beauty of a place,but also is leading to many disasters.

  • Love Trees.With the cutting of trees,we are harming ourselves.
  • From our childhood we know Trees have always given us Food and Oxygen.And now as days passed they are much more useful giving us shelter and medicine as well.
  • The unbearable heat in summer would have been a little less effective if we had more big trees.They would have given us shade and protected us from the scorching heat.
  • People are more towards cutting them and constructing big budget Malls and Buildings.
  • The trees help to from the strong winds as well.
  • They are a saviour for the Wildlife.
  • They control the severity of any climatic conditions.
  • The leaves are food for many animals.
Then why are we cutting such Beautiful and majestic gift God has given us?Just for Commercil purpose?We are not realising the fact the more we cut trees,the more damage it causes to both human and animal life.Planting more trees and stopping cutting already existing trees 
Sometimes it can be removed if it is causing any harm in any kind.Everyone can begin by saving trees in our neighborhood.Living close to trees really makes life Healthier and Happier.

From Dumbo To Dynamic

I would like to share my personal life right from my schooling.I have done my schooling from a very prestigious school in Hyderabad,"Stanley Girls High School".A school where students used to be hyper active,participated in every activity,every competition.But me,right from childhood used to be very timid.Even the thought of participating in anything would fear me.My lovely mom used to ask me very often if there are any activitis where i was eliible to participate.I always lied to her saying"NO" because i was scared that she would ask me to or would come and speak to the teacher.

Years passed and i came to my Seventh Standard.Where My class teacher MS Neeta liked a lot as i was a very calm n innocent child.She taught us Hindi.I used to feel really special that my Teacher liked me.
Here,my life took a turn.That feeling was sooo nice that i started thinking of what more should i do that all my teachers liked me and with which my class teacher would be proud of me.There were many hurdles,many Disappointments,classmates used to make me feel inferior.But i did not give up.I began to work hard,studied much better and with the encouragement of my class teacher took the first step o participate in Elocution competition.Though i did not win a prize but was appreciated fr my performance.This is when my confidence level started to boost.
Then gradually improved and improved and finally in my graduation,i was awarded as an "All Rounder" of the college.Right from studies to sports to any other activity,i was awarded.

Soooo,when you have will power and the zeal to achieve something

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Being Healthy

These busy days we are ending up neglecting our health.Food Habits have changed.However busy we are,diet we should not miss in a day.

  • Exercise and few pranayams atleast half an hour is a must.This boosts our energy levels and keeps our organs healthy.      

    • Early morning when we wake up,make sure you drink at-least 1 ltr of water.
  • Then make sure you eat 2-3 almonds and walnuts preferably soaked overnight.Image result for almonds and walnuts

    • Rather than having too much fats replace the oils and butter with olive oil.
    • Have your food in portions.
    • Make sure to include fresh fruits and dark colored vegetables in your diet.  
    •   Image result for fruits and vegetables
    • Drink lots of water and fresh fruit juices in a day.
    • Avoid packaged or tinned juices as they have lots of sugars.
    • Have your Dinner in the evening instead prolonging till night.
    • Avoid unhealthy Carbohydrates like white flour,white rice,refined sugar as they have been cut off fiber and nutrients.
    Have whole grains like Rajma,whole wheat,brown rice....
    Image result for whole grains